Moti Kutir
133, Shivaji Nagar NAGPUR - 440010 Maharashtra India Cell Phone : 09028199479 [within India]
Having done B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering from a prestigious institution in India, I worked for many years in the field of Advanced Industrial Software Technologies and Services for large size organsations in key positions.
Pursuing Jyotish as hobby for several years, I am a full time Practicing AstrologerResearcher Consultant.
My main services include Birth Chart and Horary Analysis, Marital & Business Compatibility, Mundane Astrology, Medical Astrology as well as Muhurta [ Auspicious Time ] finding based on practical Jyotish considerations. I think the utility of Jyotish Shastra is limited when it is not used for prevention / minimisation of unfavourable situations. Hence Planetary Remedies involving the strengthening of weak favourable planets and propitiation of unfavourable planets are also suggested.
My assignment profile includes Corporate Consultations, Brand Management, Personality Plus and Software Testing, also.
AstroStation : Vedic Astrology Resources Center is my attempt to place as many Jyotish Resources as possible at one place. Here you will find information on software, books, magazines, current trends, articles, etc.
My view is that Jyotish should be used to improve the life of every human being irrespective of belief, background, age, social position, etc. Planets do continuously influence every aspect of life whether we want it or not. If favourable situations could be improved and undesirable situations could be minimised or avoided and Jyotish suggestions could be incorporated in this process - this is my objective.
Honoured with Jyotish Kovid by SIHA, I am an honorary Joint Secretary for India Chapter for International Institute Of Predictive Astrology, USA and also a Member of Planetary Gemologists Association, Bangkok, Thailand.
It will be my pleasure to offer my sincere astral suggestions understanding your situation with human sensitivity.
Ravindra Chunodkar
Moti Kutir
133, Shivaji Nagar
NAGPUR - 440010
Cell Phone : 09028199479 [ within India]
Cell Phone : +91-9028199479
EMail :